Barbara M. Johnson

  • My Story

    My love for prayer started when I was just a young girl. Sitting in the pews of the sanctuary, listening to the Sainted Mothers of a little church affectionately known as the “Old St. Johns”!

    My parents had just become “Holy Rollers” after the death of my oldest sister at the age of 16 years old. They were so devastated and heartbroken and my Mom went into a deep depression. The only way they could make it through this was with God!

    The newly installed Pastor, then Elder Samuel L. Green, Jr. at that little sanctified church preached my sisters funeral and proclaimed, “You Must Be Born Again”! My Dad, the party animal, the neighborhood supplier of booze, could not get those words out of his head...“You Must Be Born Again”!

    That Sunday morning, after a Friday funeral, Dad got all of us up out of the bed and said, “We are going back to that sanctified church”! And, there we went, the entire family...never turning back and never looking back.

    The women in the church invited Mom to “Noon Day Prayer” ...they knew that she needed an intervention. They had just the remedy for her...PRAYER! I was only 6 years old, but I can still hear those mothers praying. The Sainted Mothers would start out on their knees praying, then as the fire got hotter, they would walk the sanctuary praying, and would pray around the altar, speaking in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.

    I was right in the middle of the fire! I would sit quietly in the pew, holding my doll, observing the entire experience...not sure of what was happening, just noticing that my Mom was different after each prayer session.

    Occasionally, while walking and praying, those mothers would pass by me and touch me...imparting in me a praying spirit. It never left me...anointing me with a spirit of prayer, a love for prayer... and a thirst for God. My Mother then nourished it. She would pray while doing the dishes, pray while cooking dinner, pray while combing my hair...I couldn’t escape it, nor did I want to escape it...and here we are!

    I watched my Mom believe God for everything! She just believed with all her heart that if she asked God to do shall be done! Her faith was so strong! And she put God to the test. Mom would pray for people in the grocery store, in the drug store, at the mall, whenever or wherever anyone had a need. And God met it!

    If they were sick, she would pray the prayer of faith by saying...”Give me your hands”. Mom believed if they touched and agreed, according to the word of shall be done if they ask in Jesus’ name!

    Each child, grandchild, and great-grandchild were rocked to sleep in prayer by Mom, with her singing the old Church of God In Christ chant…. “Yes Lord”!

    That spirit of prayer rubbed off on me from my Mom, and it became my way of life! When I was 12 years old, I would take the Sick and Shut-In list that was printed on the Sunday’s program to pray earnestly for the saints that were ill.

    At age 13, I walked from house to house on Saturdays to those who lived in close proximity, visiting the sick. By the time I was age 16, I was doing the work of a Missionary without the license from an organization, but from the almighty God! I was later licensed by the grand old Church of God In Christ as an Evangelist Missionary.

    Believing and trusting in the same God that Mom and those Sainted Mothers taught me in whom to trust…. here we are, with Anybody Wanna Pray Ministries. This ministry started on January 1, 2018, with a ten-minute conference prayer call at 6:00 am on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.

    The Lord said to me...“there are women who are saved, believe in me, trust in me; but on some days they are going to need another sister to strengthen them, pray with them, encourage them in the Lord.”

    The ministry was effective to the point where the prayer call was increased to a fifteen-minute call on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, 6:00 am til 6:15 am. An opening song, scripture, encouragement, and prayer starts the day with amazing worship and fellowship.

  • Bio

    Barbara M. Johnson is an anointed and caring Woman of God who loves the Lord with all of her heart. She loves loving on and caring for people, especially women who sometimes care for everyone else and needs someone to love on and encourage themselves. She connects and inspires with the help and the love of the Lord!

    Barb operates from a place of sisterhood and motherhood, believing that “We Are All In God’s Heart For Good!” As a matter of fact...her motto and ending to most morning prayer ministries is... ”Sister-Girl, you know how much God loves you...please believe it!

    Barb believes If we only knew, believed and embraced God’s undeniable love for us, we could make it!

    Being raised in true holiness, at the historic St. John’s Church of God In Christ, under the leadership of Bishop Samuel L. Green, Jr. for well over fifty years, is where she loved God and serving God was such a privilege. When back in the day our parents could use not going to church as a discipline. Barb’s love for God and the things of God became even stronger as she grew older, and experienced his love at a higher level.

    Working and growing in the church and serving in several capacities; church work is her heart. The Young Adult Choir, Senior Choir, Sunday School, Young People Willing Workers, Youth Usher Board, Pastor’s Aide, Purity Class, Vacation Bible School, Hand Maiden to the First Lady, Prayer and Bible Band, Team Captain and Chairperson to the Women’s Fellowship Organization, Licensed Evangelist Missionary, and...whatever her hands found to do, she did it with serving God and loving the Lord all in mind. Barb just wants to represent God and to help to build His Kingdom!

    Because she worked for God in His Kingdom, God honored her matriculation in the secular work world. Registration Supervisor, Business Office Manager, Personnel Manager, Recruiting Manager, Human Resources Director, and now Human Resources Business Partner for a prominent company

    Barb has a Bachelors of Arts in Christian Counseling and a Masters of Arts in Organizational Leadership, both from Newburgh Theological Seminary and Newburgh College of the Bible. The Lord willing, she will graduate in 2025 with a PhD in Christian Organizational Leadership.

    As a Certified Strengths Coach with the Gallop Organization, and with her role in Human Resources, she teaches and facilitates many leadership courses and training to Managers on Communication, Diversity and Inclusion, Business Ethics, Civility, and other leadership and management courses.

    God has been gracious and kind to her throughout all of her life! God has favored her with his love and she has the same love shown for others. His grace and mercy are sufficient, she represents him well and will serve Him for the rest of her life...Our Great God!

    Praying with her covenant sisters and having them to have faith in her prayers with Anybody Wanna Pray Ministries is the ultimate blessing that Christ has afforded to her in partnering in ministry. Barb prays earnestly, believing that whatever she asks in His name...shall be done.

    When you love God, love what you do and love people, others can feel it, and they believe you...they believe in your prayers, as you keep Christ the focus of it all. Be the best you can be, give back to others, respect your neighbors, and let your voice be heard...Women, you have something to say!

    Jeremiah 29:12-13 is the base scripture for this ministry. “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

    So...Does Anybody Wanna Pray?

  • The Ministry

    This ministry was birth out of an overwhelming love for God and a desire to be an olive branch for women as we navigate through the cares of life. Women carry the burden for so many people, we have so many jobs, inside and outside the home, great responsibilities, and lastly take care of ourselves.

    We need encouragement, a word from the Lord, and someone who cares about how we are getting along, because they know our story! Even when we are saved believers and walking with the Lord...we still need encouragement, love and support...and we get it here from our sisters.

    We draw in closer to God and we make no apologies for the love that we have in serving our Lord! For we know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and empowered to be the best that we can be!!!

    Please come and join our circle of covenant women who love, care, pray, enlighten and help to start our Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with the Lord and other amazing women. Be a part of an exclusive gathering and partnership, in a safe, carefree zone!