
  • Hope Boykins

    Testimony Of Healing

    I am grateful to have connected with “Anybody Wanna Pray” ministry. It is because of this ministry that I share my testimony with you. In a moment, I will share how I came to know this ministry and how it has blessed my life.

    In January of 2019, I received a diagnosis of cancer. The one thing no one ever wants to hear during a routine medical screening. Of course, I reacted like most when hearing this news – I cried. Initially, a spirit of fear tried to come upon me; but this spirit did not come from our Father, ‘for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2Timothy 1:7) I did not want this, nor the treatment that came along with it.

    After pulling myself together, I begin to pray, and the word of God became richer and richer to my soul. My resolve began to mirror my Savior Jesus Christ, when he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, “nevertheless, not my will but your will be done.” In asking the Lord to not let it be, I heard him say to me as he said in Joshua chapter one, verse nine, to “Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” It was then that I begin the yearlong regimen, BUT God was with me. For me, His word was, and still is today, a firm foundation. He was with me through chemotherapy and through radiation. He was also with me financially. All medical bills during that season were paid in full. That is the provision of the God we love and serve! He is the only, true and living God, who loves us unconditionally.

    Along the journey, I was blessed to have the support of my loved ones, my church family, co-workers, and even those I did not know (angels) who were sent by God to support and encourage me. I am here to testify that the weapon that formed against me did not prosper! (Isaiah 54:17a) I am here to tell of the mercy and grace of our Sovereign God. His lovingkindness is better than life. He is my HEALER. (Isaiah 53:5) Thank you, Lord for Your amazing grace!

    After my last infusion in March 2020, the world slipped into a pandemic. While working from home, I begin experiencing dizziness, a rapid heartbeat, and a loud pulsating noise on the left side of my head. After a series of blood work and diverse scans, in 2021 my primary care physician referred me to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist (ENT), who ordered my first MRI and referred me to a neurologist. The results came back, and I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The neurologist wanted to start treatment right away before any symptoms occur. At the time of the diagnosis, I had no neurological symptoms apart from what they saw on the brain. They counted about fifty-six lesions. During this time, I was living in Colorado. The neurologist told me that Colorado had the highest diagnosis of MS than any other state in the US.

    I decided to relocate and get a second opinion. I, also, decided to stand on the word of God, so I delayed any treatment. I came across a little book entitled, “Healed of Cancer” by Dodie Osteen. A documented, amazing testimony of the healing power of God. This little book of eighty-one pages is full of wonderful scriptures; however, there was one that leaped into my spirit which I rehearse to this day. “He (the Lord) will make an utter end of it. This affliction will not return a second time.” Nahum, chapter 1, verse 9b. I grabbed this scripture and applied it in faith to cancer, to MS, to COVID, and any other past disease.

    In April of 2022, I relocated to Texas and met with a neurologist, who reviewed my previous scan, and confirmed that the images are aligned with what they see with MS. He evaluated my motor skills, and agreed that I did not show any outward signs of MS. He scheduled another MRI for March 2023, one year from the one completed in Colorado.

    In March of 2023, I was scheduled to go in for my fourth MRI concerning MS. Around the fall of 2022, I joined a prayer group. This occurred when I was on Facebook looking at a friend’s account who had recently gotten married. As I was admiring her pictures, I saw a flyer that read, “Anybody Wanna Pray.” I thought that was a particularly good question. It provided the day and hour of the call, and although I had not heard of this ministry, because my friend was connected, I knew it had to be biblically based so I decided to call in. I noticed that we were in different time zones, so I set my alarm to dial in on time. I was immediately drawn to the sound teaching of the word of God, the encouragement, and the anointed prayer. Receiving corporate prayer during the week really sets the tone of your day. The night before my procedure, I was sitting at home, and I heard the Spirit of the Lord say to send the ministry your prayer request. Now it just so happened that a recent text went out from the group. Up to that point, I did not recall regular texting from the ministry. So, I was thinking, no. I do not know them like that, and besides, it was late, and prayer was in the morning. But again, I felt the urging of the Spirit to send the text. So, I sent it, and went to bed. I woke up the next morning to text responses of prayers and words of encouragement from the host and the ladies who I now call sisters. And to my surprise, they called out my name while praying for me on the call. I thought, how did they know my name? I did not add it to the request. But I said, he knows my name, and it blessed me that the sisters acted immediately to pray specifically for me. A song was playing, “Authority,” by Karen Clark Sheard. One of the scriptures shared was Matthew 28:18 “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.” I believed the prayer and the word that was ministered that morning. I went into the MRI with all the power and authority from God my Father, from the host of heaven, and from my sisters in the Lord. I was faith-filled and encouraged going into the procedure.

    The MRI showed no change from the previous year, but there were no new lesions developing. Not yet clear, but not spreading. For that I give God praise, for staying the hand of the enemy. I know in my heart and by faith that I am healed by the blood of Jesus. I am looking forward with expectation of the manifestation of my miracle. For Isaiah 53:5 gives us to know that “by his stripes we are healed;” and, similarly 1 Peter 2:24 says, “...by his stripes we were healed.” Therefore, we know that we are healed by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. So, we wait patiently. This is what “Anybody Wanna Pray” teaches us.

    Recently, Evangelist Barbara Johnson, the founder of “Anybody Wanna Pray” ministry, brought an exhortation that God has not forgotten you. She encouraged us that while we wait on his promises, we can come boldly to God with our petitions through prayer; while we wait, we wait in faith trusting the Lord; we work while we wait; we make disciples while we wait; and we glorify him through worship while we wait. This ministry has good soil. Seed worthy soil. I am so grateful for sisters who love and care about you - and can and will pray for you. Evangelist Johnson, thank you for your “yes” to the Lord!

    Earlier, I mentioned the Pandemic. If you are reading this, you survived it. The Lord did not bring you this far to leave you. The bible gives us to know that “many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord (our God) delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19) “We walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) As we wait upon the Lord, our strength is being renewed. (Isaiah 40:31) God is in control. Like with Job, our God is bragging on us; on those who put their hope and confidence in him. (Job chapters 1 & 2)

    Be encouraged.

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